Graduate Seminar: Situating Research
This course aims to provide graduate students with a general introduction to different modes of conducting architectural research, while creating opportunities for cohort building, social exchange and skills development.

Eadweard Muybridge, 1887, "Animal Locomotion,"
This course aims to provide graduate students with a general introduction to different modes of conducting architectural research, while creating opportunities for cohort building, social exchange and skills development. Students engage in a series of dialogues with a number of architecture faculty, Ph.D. researchers and other guests – particularly within the areas of climate change and sustainability, social justice, design computation and artificial intelligence. Students visit a variety of research labs and centers on and beyond campus, and use course assignments to develop reflective modes of academic practice. The coursework is designed to provide a springboard for students to start situating themselves and their work within the landscape of architectural research and scholarship – at CMU and beyond.