Thesis Seminar
This seminar prepares undergraduate students planning to work on a thesis project in the following semester.

Dennis Maher, "A Second Home". Mattress Factory, Pittsburgh, PA. 2017 - 2023
This seminar prepares undergraduate students planning to work on a thesis project in the following semester. Thesis work requires individual effort to identify a valid area of concern, understand the disciplinary discourse around a chosen topic and its cultural and social context, determine which are the appropriate means and methods to implement the project, and establish the criteria by which to evaluate the work. Students enter this course with an initial thesis statement, a body of background research and a set of questions that can be interrogated by engaging in research and discussion. The seminar helps them refine the scope of the thesis argument, define appropriate research methods and sharpen communication about thesis work in all of its phases. In addition, it facilitates group conversation and exchange of ideas, providing dialogue, feedback and continued motivation.