Paradigms of Research in Architecture
This course provides an introduction to a variety of synthetic approaches to design and research with multiple levels of depth as designated by the 3 unit, 6 unit, 9 unit and 12 unit options.

Paradigms of Research
This course provides an introduction to a variety of synthetic approaches to design and research with multiple levels of depth as designated by the 3 unit, 6 unit, 9 unit and 12 unit options. Students that elect the 3 or 6 unit options will participate fully during the first half of the semester as we learn about the relationship between design and research, systems of inquiry, standards of research quality, purpose statements, literature reviews, abstracts, research questions, ethics of research, practice-based research, avenues for sharing and funding research, and a few common research methods. Students that enroll in the 9 or 12 unit options will build upon this foundation by deepening their awareness of a wide range of research strategies including experimental, simulation, quantitative, qualitative, correlational, interpretive-historical, logical argumentation, case study and mixed methods. This is accomplished through readings, discussions and guest lectures from faculty who share their expertise, successful research strategies and methods, innovative ideas for future research, and the results of their current and past research. Students will apply these ideas to their own research interests by rewriting their abstract to align with each methodology, building an annotated bibliography, and by preparing a presentation and proposal outline. Students pursuing the 12 unit option will go further by completing additional readings throughout the semester, and preparing a 3 minute thesis presentation and written research proposal.