Misri Patel Lecture and Exhibition Launch: "Critical Computation: Catechizing Craft and Paradoxes of High-Tech"

Thursday, April 17, 2025
5:30PM - 7:00PM
Kresge Theater, CFA
Collateral Computation (Patel '22). Scaled prototypes developed in collaboration with brickmakers in Nashik, India.

Collateral Computation (Patel '22). Scaled prototypes developed in collaboration with brickmakers in Nashik, India.

Misri Patel, 2023-25 Ann Kalla Visiting Professor at Carnegie Mellon Architecture

“Critical Computation: Catechizing Craft and Paradoxes of High-Tech.” (lecture, with introduction to end-of-year exhibition launch)


In-person event but the recording will be made available on Vimeo.